Dr. Krishna Abhishek Ghosh is a professor of Hinduism and World Religions at Grand Valley State University, Michigan, and an Affiliate Professor at the Global Center for Advanced Studies, New York, USA. His interdisciplinary research and teaching interests include the history of religions, Indian philosophy and aesthetics (rasa), postcolonial and critical theories, and South Asian Studies. His current research projects revolve around the intellectual history of kirtan with a special focus on Bengal. This focus has developed from his doctoral work on the Hindu thinker Kedarnath Datta Bhaktivinoda, for which he received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2014. He also taught ‘Asian Classics’ at UChicago’s Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies, for which he received the Dean’s Award in 2013. The Vaiṣṇava roots of his family and Bengal culture hold a special place in his heart and form a significant part of his scholarly activity. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as ‘Gandhi and His Critics,’ ‘Hinduism 101: Cows, Caste, and The Kamasutra?,’ ‘An Introduction to Religious Studies’ and ‘World’s Religions’ and supervises Ph.D. students in his areas of expertise.